Издательство — Социальная педагогика — Выпуск №2/2019 Взаимосвязи родительского отношения отца с особенностями личности ребёнка. Влияние отношения отца на самооценку ребёнка, на отношения к сверстникам, к родителям. • родительское отношение отца • дошкольный возраст • самооценка • отношение к сверстникам • отношение к родителям Sychenko Y. A., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology education and professional development FSAEI of HE "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" Perminova O. S., teacher-psychologist GKOU SB "Kachkanar school that implements adapted basic general education programs” Parental attitude of father and personality traits preschool child The parent-child relationship of the father and personality characteristics preschool child Abstract. The article discusses the relationship of the parent the relationship of the father with the personality characteristics of the child. Received the results allow us to conclude that in parental terms fathers traits that positively affect the child’s attitude to themselves and surrounding, combined with features that have the potential negative influence. In addition, father's parenting more affects the child’s self-esteem, to a lesser extent on his attitude to peers, and does not affect unconditionally positive attitude of a preschool child as a father, so to mother. Keywords: father's parenthood, preschool age, self-esteem, attitude towards peers, attitude towards parents. | ||
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