ИздательствоШкольные технологииВыпуск №3/2012

Виноградов В. Н., Пивчук Е. А., Прикот О. Г.
Об институциональном подходе к реализации ФГОС

Материал в открытом доступе

В своей статье авторы ализируют основные проблемы, связанные с внедрением ФГОС в российскую систему образованиия, и предлагают свой взгляд на возможности их решения.

Ключевые слова: ФГОС, социальный институт, институциональный подход, институциональная матрица, управление качеством образования.

About institute approach to federal state educational standard implementation

Vinogradov, Head of the Pedagogical Design Department in the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Teacher

Education, Professor, Ph.D. in Education.

Elena A. Pivchuk, Deputy director of innovation and strategic development within regional educational system,

«State Educational institute of additional vocational teacher education Center of training specialists» St. Petersburg,

Ph.D. in Education.

Oleg G. Prikot, Federal Institute of Educational Development, the leading researcher; Professor at the National

Research University — Higher Economics School in St. Petersburg, «The Agency on diffusion of innovation in

education», Director General, Doctor of Education

In his article, the authors describe the main problems associated with the implementation of the Federal State

Educational Standard to the Russian system of education, and offer their views to possible solutions.

Key words: Federal State Educational Standard, social institute, the institutional approach, institutional matrix,

management quality education.