ЖурналыРечевые технологииВыпуск №1/2020

Alexander A. Kharlamov., Maria A. Pilgun.
Perception and Effectiveness of Content in Social Networks: Russian Case

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The paper considers studying the perception and effectiveness of media content in the Russian-language social networks, analyzing the causes that affect the perception and distribution of network content. The material used was the database of the Russian social network VKontakte. A cross-disciplinary multimodal approach and psycholinguistic analysis were used. The study revealed that the perception of content, the success of posts (the maximum number of likes, reposts, comments, the achievement of the author’s communicative goal – transferring users’ actions from online to offline mode) ensure a source of distribution (the symbolic capital of the author increases the signifcance of the text when it is perceived by the network community), the use of features of the current communicative situation and the accuracy of the imperative strategy.

Keywords: social media, speech perception, digital content, semantic role.