Издательство — Народное образование — Выпуск №5/2024
Поташник М. М. Блеск и нищета презентаций
Мода на презентации как обязательный атрибут любого устного или письменного текста. Гипертрофированное использование в связи с трендом на цифровизацию всего и вся в школе. Достоинства и дефекты презентаций. • презентация • отображение сути • задачи презентации • дефекты презентаций • чрезмерность Читать фрагмент статьи The Brilliance And Poverty Of Presentations Mark M. Potashnik, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow Abstract. First, let’s explain the title of the article. It was borrowed by us from the great French classic Honore de Balzac, who wrote the famous novel «The Splendor and Poverty of courtesans» in the middle of the XIX century. Brilliance and poverty are a figurative reflection of the dialectical pairs of «pros and cons» or «advantages and disadvantages». Now, on the eve of the beginning of the school year, methodological meetings and teacher councils are held in educational institutions. For sure, many of them will be accompanied by conscientiously prepared presentations. Read about which presentations should be and which should not be in this article. Keywords: presentation, representation of the essence, presentation tasks, presentation defects, excessiveness