ЖурналыСоциальная педагогикаВыпуск №4/2019

Невская С. С.
К научной биографии А.С. Макаренко: незавершённый роман «Пути поколения»

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Неизвестные ранее архивные материалы наследия А.С. Макаренко. Наброски к роману, открывающие новые страницы научной биографии А.С. Макаренко.

• личность • мировоззрение • отношения между людьми • производственный коллектив • характеристики персонажей романа

Nevskaya S. S.,

doctor of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, leading researcher laboratory of history of pedagogy and education " Institute education development strategies of the Russian Academy of education»

To the scientific biography of A. S. Makarenko: an unfinished novel "Generation paths"

Abstract. The article analyzes for the first time previously unknown archival materials heritage A. S. Makarenko. In the original version the author planned to create a General plan for the "Pedagogical poem" a large-scale work about the history of the life of their contemporaries who survived the thunders of the Civil war, banditry, Makhnovism, pathos of victory and destruction, NEP, the first five-year plan. In at the end of his life A.S. Makarenko returned to the original plan "Poems" and began work on the novel "the Ways of generation". Novel was not completed, however, there are still extensive preparatory materials and written five chapters of the first part. For the first time reader will meet with archival sketches to the novel, opening new pages of scientific biography of A. S. Makarenko.

Keywords: personality, worldview, relationships between people, production team, characteristics of the characters of the novel.