ЖурналыРечевые технологииВыпуск №1/2020

Olga Koreneva., Maria‑isabel Bolivar‑Perez.
Russian-German medical communication and specialized translation

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Abstract. The Covid-19 situation has especially clearly shown the vital importance of intercultural communication, interethnic relations and exchanges. Effective professional activity and cooperation between representatives of different nations depends on the accuracy and correctness of translation algorithms that allow breaking down communication barriers. Given the importance of acquiring and transmitting of new notions, knowledge and linguistic creativity for conceptualizing, this feature must be leveraged in Terminology and is a relevant issue for the Specialized Translation. This paper describes a German-Russian medical terminology project promoted by two Spanish universities for meeting the increasing demand for effcient terminological resources and medical communication, especially important in the COVID-19 times. Multilingual terminological management in this study is intended to help non-governmental medical organizations in their humanitarian activity due to their more extensive, sacrifcial and hard work with migrants and in remote regions. The correct communication between the doctor and the patient is of vital importance. Furthermore, the times of the pandemic require greater collaboration between organizations, doctors, researchers, scientists, specialized translators and communication media.

Keywords: кnowledge-Based Terminology, medical translation, terminology management, multidimensional conceptualization