Издательство — Народное образование — Выпуск №6/2024
Ясвин В. А., Соина Н. А. Представления о счастье философов, психологов, педагогов и старшеклассников
Формула соотношения успеха и счастья (радости) в образовательном процессе. Счастье ребёнка как предмет педагогической мысли. Представления старшеклассников о счастливой школе в свете организационно-педагогических и социально-психологических условий удовлетворения базовых потребностей личности. • счастье • гуманная педагогика • мотивация • потребности • возможности • старшеклассники • представления о счастливой школе Ideas About Happiness Of Philosophers, Psychologists, Teachers And High School Students Vitold A. Yasvin, Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical Culture and Management in Education, Professor of the Interfaculty Department of Educational Systems and Pedagogical Technologies of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow Natalia A. Soina, Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Education, Teacher of Russian language and Literature at the Gorchakov Lyceum of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow Abstract: Despite deep pedagogical traditions and great pedagogical potential, the concept of “happiness” remains underestimated and does not find a worthy place in modern pedagogical science and practice. The understanding of happiness in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy is considered, first of all, the views of Russian thinkers and scientists are presented. Based on an empirical study, the ideas of high school students about a happy school are analyzed and summarized. Keywords: happiness, humane pedagogy, motivation, needs, opportunities, high school students, ideas about a happy school