ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №6/2024

Гусакова В. О.
Где искать образцовую семью? Религиозно-эстетический канон семьи для современной молодёжи (на примере семьи святых Михаила Тверского и Анны Кашинской)

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Высокий педагогический потенциал рассмотрения жизненного пути святых Михаила Тверского и Анны Кашинской на занятиях со старшеклассниками и студентами. Изучение феномена религиозно-эстетического канона семьи как основа для формирования понимания значимости межпоколенных связей.

• семья • брак • традиция • жизненный путь • благоверные князья и княгини • старшеклассники • студенты

Where To Look For A Model Family? The Religious And Aesthetic Canon

Of The Family For Modern Youth (On The Example Of The Family Of Saints Mikhail Tversky And Anna Kashinskaya)

Victoria O. Gusakova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, lecturer at the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, methodologist of the courses of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the St. Petersburg Diocese, St. Petersburg, victoryspb78@mail.ru

Abstract: The lack of knowledge about the past and the inability to imagine the way of life and customs of ancestors in the axiological dimension of cultural tradition leads to the fact that modern youth does not accept historical examples of the family and does not perceive family values as objective. The article attempts to consider the marital union of Saints Mikhail Tversky and Anna Kashinskaya as a religious and aesthetic canon of the family for modern youth.

Keywords: family, marriage, tradition, life path, noble princes and princesses, high school students, students