ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №6/2024

Тюттерина Е. В.
Эстетика труда в искусстве как средство трудового воспитания современных школьников

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Эстетика труда в современном образовательном пространстве. Специфика полотен соцреализма, а также советского плакатного искусства, эволюция изображения людей труда. Возможности средового подхода в воспитании как теории и технологии опосредованного управления становлением личности, ценящей труд и умеющей трудиться.

• воспитание • эстетика • соцреализм • плакат • труд • среда • средовой подход

Aesthetics Of Work In Art As A Means Of Labor Education Of Modern Schoolchildren

Elena V. Tyutterina, teacher-researcher, teacher of ISO at the OANO Nika School, member of the Association of Schools of Environmental Approach and Environmental Researchers in Education, Moscow, first7snow@mail.ru

Abstract: The article examines the role of aesthetics in the labor education of modern schoolchildren on the example of examples of socialist realism painting and poster art. Both paintings and posters are shown as means of labor education. The article examines the specifics of Socialist realism canvases, as well as Soviet poster art, and the evolution of the image of working people. The possibilities of the environmental approach in education as a theory and technology of indirect management of the formation of a person who appreciates work and knows how to work are shown.

Keywords: education, aesthetics, social realism, poster, work, environment, environmental approach