ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2024

Бугаенко Б. А.
Школа нормального просвещения поселян

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Записки директора из сибирской глубинки о буднях сельской школы и новшествах, связанных с реорганизацией работы муниципальных и сельских образовательных учреждений.

• реорганизация • инновации • сибирские сельские школы • внутришкольный контроль и управление • выполнение задач

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The School Of Normal Education Of The Villagers

Boris A. Bugaenko, Director of MBOU Semiluzhenskaya Secondary School, Tomsk district, Tomsk region

Àbstract: Not idle notes from the director from the Siberian hinterland about the everyday life of rural schools and innovations related to the reorganization of municipal and rural educational institutions. The instructions of the management department on the eve of the new school year force the headmaster to appeal to the authorities in the spirit of "what is it being done?", based on an objective situation, with acute and pressing questions regarding the decisions taken. Whether these questions remain rhetorical or will be taken into account is also a subject for discussion.

Keywords: reorganization, innovations, Siberian rural schools, intra-school control and management, task fulfillment