ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2024

Коротких С. В.
Проблемное поле патриотического воспитания

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Проблемное поле патриотического воспитания в контексте современных реалий. Категории «вера», «народ», «Отечество», «патриотизм», «родина» с точки зрения христианского мировоззрения, их место в христианской системе ценностей и отношение к ним педагога-христианина. Противоречия современных процессов цифровизации и технологизации всех сфер жизнедеятельности общества, в том числе образования, цели и задачам патриотического воспитания.

• вера • народ • Отечество • патриотизм • родина • воспитание • Святая Русь

The Problems of Patriotic Education: the Perspective of a Christian Teacher

Sergey N. Korotkikh, Archpriest, Rector of the Holy Cross Cathedral of Kaliningrad; Head of the Department of Religious Education of the Kaliningrad Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), Kaliningrad, obraz.ske@list.ru

Abstract: The article defines a problem field of patriotic upbringing in the face of modern realities. The categories “faith”, “nation”, “fatherland”, “patriotism”, “motherland” are considered in the context of the Christian worldview. Their place in the Christian value system, as well as the attitude of a Christian teacher to them are determined. The paper also deals with the contradiction between modern processes of digitalization and technologization of all spheres of society (including education) and the goals and objectives of patriotic education. In addition, the article presents an attempt to analyze and answer a range of problematic questions, such as: what one can and can’t be patriotic about, as well as what patriotism should and shouldn’t be like; in order to ensure that the essence and meaning of patriotism education isn’t undermined.

Keywords: faith, nation, fatherland, patriotism, motherland, upbringing, Holy Rus