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Плюхин В. У.
О творческой и нетворческой педагогике, или Как победить шаблонную болезнь

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Уметь методически верно организовать работу, не боясь плыть против существующих, но уже отживших руководств по обучению — суть творческого подхода автора к педагогике, которая объединяет обучение чтению, пониманию, выполнению чертежей с построением технических рисунков, конструированием, изготовлением предметов из ручных материалов, побуждает ученика думать, развивать самостоятельность и конструктивность мышления.

• черчение • изо • трудовое обучение • понимание чертежей • анализ • технологическая карта • стереотипы и шаблоны • творческая педагогика • антитворческая педагогика • воспитывающие функции учителя • календарно-тематический план

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About Creative And Non-Creative Pedagogy, Or How To Defeat A Template Disease

Viktor U. Plyukhin, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Murmansk

Abstract: In 1996, the journal «National Education», No. 7, published an article by the author of his own teaching methodology, Viktor Ustinovich Plyukhin, «Do not harness a swan, a crayfish and a pike in one cart.» With his publication, the author sought to motivate the pedagogical community to pay attention to significant problems in approaches to teaching art, labor and drawing in schools; he wrote that a future teacher of drawing would do well to be a broad-profile specialist and be able to organize work methodically correctly, without being afraid to swim against existing, but already outdated training manuals, the essence of which is: do according to the pattern; focused on the lack of appropriate psychological and pedagogical training for a novice teacher: knowledge of psychogeometry, socionics, etc. D. For his part, the author proposed a different way in teaching — a creative one that combines learning to read, understand, execute drawings with building technical drawings, designing, making objects from hand-made materials, encourages the student to think, develops independence and constructive thinking, which cannot be done without in adulthood, at home and at work. The student’s self-activity, which has a vital goal in the lesson, contributes to the fact that everyone discovers, finds himself, begins to believe in himself, in his abilities. What has changed in the past 28 years? The author answers this question in his new article.

Keywords: drawing, iso, labor training, understanding of drawings, analysis, technological map, stereotypes and templates, creative pedagogy, anti-creative pedagogy, educative functions of a teacher, calendar and thematic plan