ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2024

Ищенко Т. Н., Чиганова Е. А.
Научно-методическое сопровождение: к вопросу о теоретической способности педагога и наставничестве

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Потребность системы образования в научно-методическом сопровождении педагогов, обеспечение разрешения проблем образования. Наставничество как форма и содержание ответа на образовательные запросы педагогов. Суть управления проектной и исследовательской деятельностью в сопровождении.

• сопровождение • научно-методическое сопровождение • мышление • теоретическая способность педагога • профессиональное развитие педагога • наставничество • реверсивное наставничество

Scientific And Methodological Support: On Questions About Mentoring

Tatyana N. Ishchenko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Vice-rector for Scientific and Methodological Activities of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Educational Development, Krasnoyarsk, tatiana-dial@mail.ru

Elena A. Chiganova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Rector of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Educational Development, Krasnoyarsk, chiganova@kipk.ru

Abstract: How can we explain that the need for scientific and methodological support for teachers is increasingly becoming apparent in the education system? In what case will scientific and methodological support ensure the resolution of educational problems in reasonable ways, and in what case can it become only a hectic activity that has nothing to do with pedagogical work? How does mentoring as a form of scientific and methodological support respond to the challenges of the time and the educational needs of teachers? Why is reverse mentoring becoming more popular in the information age in the education system? What is the essence of assisted design and research management? The article searches for answers to the problematic questions posed and presents some classical and modern ideas on the problem of professional development of a teacher and his theoretical ability.

Keywords: scientific and methodological support, thinking, theoretical ability of a teacher, managerial function, mentoring, reverse mentoring