ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2024

Склярова Н. Ю., Бродовская Е. В., Литвиненко М. П.
Механизмы укоренения традиционных российских духовно-нравственных ценностей в национальной системе образования

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Механизмы укоренения традиционных российских духовно-нравственных ценностей в целях суверенизации национальной системы образования и воспитания. Обновление нормативно-правовой базы и изменение общественного мнения. Способы противодействия рискам и угрозам в сфере ценностной политики. Роль педагогического сообщества в формировании культурно-ценностного суверенитета на современном этапе.

• национальная система образования • школьное образование • традиционные российские духовно-нравственные ценности • культурно-исторические ценности • суверенизация образования • народное образование

Mechanisms Of Rooting Traditional Russian Spiritual And Moral Values In The System Of National Education

Natalya Yu. Sklyarova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, First Vice-Rector, Director of the Federal Russian Scientific and Methodological Center “Philosophy of Education” of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Elena V. Brodovskaya, Doctor of Political Sciences, Leading Specialist of the Federal Russian Scientific and Methodological Center “Philosophy of Education” of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Director of the Institute of Humanitarian Technologies and Social Engineering of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Maria P. Litvinenko, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Deputy Director of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Center “Philosophy of Education” of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow

Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of current mechanisms for rooting traditional Russian spiritual and moral values in order to sovereignize the national system of education and upbringing. The article presents the results of the work of representatives of government bodies, academic and expert communities during the Meeting of the Council of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values within the framework of the II All-Russian Educational Forum «State value policy in the education system», held on 14–15 May 2024 at the site of Moscow Pedagogical State University. The authors considered the updates to the regulatory framework and changes in public opinion, highlighted the already implemented and promising mechanisms for rooting traditional values in the national education system, presented ways to counter risks and threats in the field of value policy, and outlined the importance of the pedagogical community in the formation of cultural and value sovereignty at the present stage.

Keywords: national education system, school education, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, cultural and historical values, sovereignty of education, public education