ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2024

Тимашпольская Е. Б.
Что значит воспитать читателя? Секреты мастерства учителя и детского писателя

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Как воспитать человека читающего, советует учитель и автор книг для детей и подростков.

• детско-взрослая аудитория • Школа самоопределения им. А. Н. Тубельского • книги • читатель • мурашкометр • «коллективки» • «Тетради для сочинительства»

What Does It Mean To Educate The Reader? The Secrets Of The Skill Of A Teacher And A Children’s Writer

Ekaterina B. Timashpolskaya, teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU “School of Self-determination No. 734 named after A. N. Tubelsky”, children’s writer, winner of the Book of the “Year contest. Children choose”, Moscow, katya150371@rambler.ru

Abstract: After all, what does it mean to educate the reader? This is a very difficult question for both a teacher and a writer. It seems to me that it is more difficult for a teacher, because a writer still thinks more about the ideas and plots of his own books than about the education of the reader, although this, of course, is also the case.

Keywords: children’s and adult audience, A. N. Tubelsky school of self-determination, books, reader, murashkometer, “collectives”, “Notebooks for writing”