ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №4/2024

Шарафеев И. А.
Воспитание сельского труженика XXI века

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Негативное влияние социума на образовательную ситуацию. О работе Центра по начальной профессиональной подготовке на базе Матюшинской средней общеобразовательной школы. Развитие личностного потенциала учащихся, их самостоятельности и самореализации в сельском социуме.

• сельская школа • предпрофильное и профильное образование • труд • фермерское хозяйство • сельскохозяйственные профессии

Education Of The Rural Worker Of The XXI Century

Ildus A. Sharafeev, head of the educational center at Matyushinskaya Secondary School, Honorary worker of general Education of the Russian Federation, awarded the badge “For Services to Education of the Republic of Tatarstan”, Makarenko Medal, Bakcha-Sarai village, Verkhneuslonsky district, Republic of Tatarstan, scharafeev@mail.ru

Abstract: Matyushinskaya secondary school is focused on the education, upbringing and development of students, taking into account their individual (age, physiological, psychological, intellectual and other) characteristics, educational needs and opportunities, and personal inclinations. Being a rural school, it was created to understand the status of an educational institution that implements general education programs with natural science specialization, as well as a program of pre-professional and specialized education that promotes the development of students’ personal potential, their independence and self-realization in rural society.

Keywords: rural school, pre-professional and specialized education, labor, farming, agricultural professions