ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №4/2024

Коколова Л. М., Гаврильева Л. Ю., Прибылых Е. И.
Организация исследовательской деятельности школьников агрошкол в Малой сельскохозяйственной академии ЯНИИСХ

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Важность поисково-исследовательской работы в освоении знаний и навыков, в становлении будущего высококвалифицированного специалиста. Научная и общественная деятельность Школы юных исследователей: цели и задачи, мероприятия, достижения учащихся.

• Малая сельскохозяйственная академия • Школа юных исследователей • школьники • учителя • учёные

Organization Of Research Activities Of Agricultural School Students At The Small Agricultural Academy Of YANISKH

Lyudmila M. Kokolova, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Helminthology, Chief Researcher of the Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after M. G. Safronov, Yakutsk, kokolova_lm@mail.ru

Lyubov Yu. Gavrilova, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Helminthology of the Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after M. G. Safronov, Yakutsk, lubov.gavrileva86@mail.ru

Evdokia I. Pribylykh, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Research Engineer at the Laboratory of Helminthology of the Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after M. G. Safronov, Yakutsk, evdok.pribilikh@mail.ru

Abstract: In the article, the authors from the Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture (hereinafter — YANISKH) write about what kind of work is being done with schoolchildren, teachers and masters of industrial training in agrospecialized schools and other rural urban schools in Yakutia; how students are attracted to scientific research of agricultural science; how scientific theoretical and practical classes are conducted at the School of Young People researchers of the Small Agricultural Academy of YANISKH. The Small Agricultural Academy organizes scientific and practical conferences both at the national level and with international participation, followed by the publication of abstracts and reports of participants. This work is carried out by the authors of the article, which is undoubtedly useful for the education of the younger generation, the collaboration of scientists and specialists, and for the training of scientific personnel.

Keywords: Small Agricultural Academy, School of Young Researchers, schoolchildren, teachers, scientists