ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №4/2024

Ларионов С. В., Бараева Н. А.
Инновационная программа «Агроклассы» как эффективный инструмент ранней профориентации

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Необходимость качественного совершенствования системы профориентации молодежи. Особенности реализации программы «Агроклассы»: её практическая направленность, создание профильных агроклассов в сельских школах, формирование у учащихся «сельскохозяйственной грамотности».

• агрокласс • профориентация • осознанный выбор профессии • сельскохозяйственная грамотность

The Innovative Program “Agroclasses” As An Effective Tool For Early Career Guidance

Sergey V. Larionov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N. I. Vavilov, Saratov, larionov.sgau@gmail.com

Nuria A. Barayeva, Head of the sector for the implementation of the innovative program “Agroclass” of the Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N. I. Vavilov, Saratov, nvbaraeva64@mail.ru

Abstract: Sooner or later, each graduate faces the problem of choosing a profession, but the active position of the future has not yet been formed for many and the decision is made on the basis of adult advice, traditions and family experience, which can subsequently lead to a lack of motivation and unwillingness to continue studying or work in their specialty. For graduates, career guidance issues are significant and familiar, but not everyone can imagine how to approach an informed choice. Therefore, career guidance and the formation of motivation for further professional activity are of particular importance.

Keywords: agroclass, career guidance, informed choice of profession, agricultural literacy