ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2024

Базилевский А. А., Базилевская О. В.
Система диагностики профессионально-личностного развития педагога дополнительного образования

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Мониторинг профессионально-личностного саморазвития педагога в рамках образовательной среды с позиций личностно-развивающего и системно-деятельностного подходов. Выполнение диагностики как систематическая деятельность с целью выявления проблем и определения перспектив профессионально-личностного развития конкретного подопечного.

• саморазвитие • непрерывное развитие • профессионально-личностное развитие • системно-деятельностный подход • личностно развивающий подход • педагогическая диагностика • наблюдение • наставник • подопечный

The System Of Diagnostics Of Professional And Personal Development Of A Teacher Of Additional Education

Andrey A. Bazilevsky, Senator of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration of the Far Eastern Institute of Management, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation,

Moscow, baz240267@rambler.ru

Olesya V. Bazilevskaya, Chief Analyst of the Department for the Coordination of Scientific Research and Training of Highly qualified Personnel of the Russian Academy of Education, specialist of the coordination and educational center “My Ocean” of the All-Russian Children’s Center “Ocean”, Moscow, bazilevskaia@raop.ru

Abstract: The article discusses issues related to the diagnosis of professional and personal development of teachers of additional education. The methodological basis is the work of V. A. Slastenin, L. M. Mitina, V. S. Mukhina. The monitoring of professional and personal self-development within the educational environment is reviewed from the perspective of two approaches, such as personal development and systemic activity (in the form of a continuous process of observation and registration of characteristics according to specified parameters and in the form of individual dynamics of key indicators of self-development).

Keywords: self-development, continuous development, professional and personal development, system-activity approach, personal development approach, pedagogical diagnostics, supervision, mentor, ward