ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2024

Лукьяненко В. П.
SCOPUS или РИНЦ: что полезнее педагогической науке в России

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Необходимость повышения качества публикационной активности в России. Актуальность задачи по переориентации основных потоков наиболее качественной научной информации по проблемам педагогики и образования с зарубежных наукометрических баз данных на российские с целью укрепления их авторитета и значимости.

• издательская политика • публикационная этика • публикационная активность • наукометрические базы данных • стиль научных статей

SCOPUS Or RSCI: What Is More Useful For Pedagogical Science In Russia

Viktor P. Lukyanenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, viktor246@mail.ru

Abstract: Currently, the question of which is more prestigious and useful, SCOPUS or RSCI, for many looks purely rhetorical. The article presents arguments and facts indicating that this question is by no means idle, and the answer to it is not as obvious as it may seem at first glance. This is of great importance for improving the quality of publication activity, further development of pedagogical science and education in Russia. The materials of the article can contribute to a more successful solution of the now very urgent task of reorienting the main streams of the highest quality scientific information on the problems of pedagogy and education from foreign scientometric databases to Russian ones, thereby contributing to increasing their authority and importance.

Keywords: publishing policy, publication ethics, publication activity, scientometric databases, style of scientific articles