ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2024

Зелинский К. В.
Когда в товарищах согласья нет, или Управление как поиск человека

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О сущности управления школой. Этимологический анализ слова «управление». Различия между синонимами «управление», «менеджмент», «кюбернао», «эксусия». Краткий обзор управления школой в дореволюционные, советские и современные годы.

• управление • управление школой • эксусия • кюбернао • менеджмент • пазловая педагогика • педагогика «новогодней ёлочки» • со-бытие

When There Is No Agreement In The Comrades, Or Management As A Search For A Person

Archpriest Konstantin V. Zelinsky, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Uryupinsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, head of the laboratory “Research on problems of spiritual and Moral education and human Self-determination” at the Volgograd Scientific and Educational Center of the Russian Academy of Education of the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work of the Novonikolaevsky Secondary School No. 2, Novonikolaevsky district, Volgograd region, zmvk@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article attempts to understand the essence of school management. The etymological analysis of the word “management” is presented; the differences between the synonyms “management”, “management”, “kubernao”, “exusia”. A brief overview of school management in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern years has been carried out.

Keywords: management, school management, exusion, kyubernao, management, puzzle pedagogy, pedagogy of the “Christmas tree”, co-existence