ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2024

Абызов В. А., Вифлеемский А. Б.
Домашние задания в школах: методические рекомендации и практика

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Характеристика Методических рекомендаций по организации домашней учебной работы учащихся общеобразовательных организаций с позиций правомерности и целесообразности их выполнения. Методические рекомендации и нормативно-правовые акты: противоречия в формулировках.

• образование • школа • семья • домашние задания • электронные домашние задания • электронные средства обучения • санитарные правила

Homework In Schools: Guidelines And Practice

Viktor A. Abyzov, teacher of special disciplines, conductor

Anatoly B. Vifleemsky, Doctor of Economics, Master of Jurisprudence, Nizhny Novgorod

Abstract: Many teachers, and even more so parents, today do not even know about the existence of the Russian Academy of Education, much less any of its institutes. And so the Institute of Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education decided to prove itself by creating “Methodological recommendations for the organization of homework for students of general education organizations”. Should schools implement them? This article is devoted to the answer to this question, one of the authors of which is a father with many children, who over the years of teaching his children at school has perfectly studied the reverse side of homework.

Keywords: education, school, family, homework, electronic homework, electronic learning tools, sanitary rules