ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2024

Ерохин С. В.
Артек. Наша история

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История создания детской здравницы. Строительство и реконструкция Артека. Образовательно-культурная деятельность. Творческие достижения и награды. Реализация комплекса образовательных программ и проектов, направленных на раскрытие и стимулирование творческого потенциала детей.

• Артек • детская здравница • сфера детского отдыха и оздоровления детей • юбилей Артека • традиционные ценности

Artek. Our Story

Sergey V. Erokhin, Advisor to the Director of the International Children’s Center “Artek”, Crimea, P. Gurzuf,


Abstract: There is an amazing country Artek on the Black Sea coast in Crimea, which preserves so many myths, legends, wonders and opens up to everyone who has ever been here, a wonderful world of creativity, inspiration and their own discoveries. The ancient mountain Ayu-Dag, the fabulous twin cliffs of Adalara, the Genoese fortress of Genevez-Kaya, as if sung by Homer in his legendary Odyssey... The waves of the raging sea at the foot of the Chaliapin rock and the Pushkin grotto, olive groves and parks with bizarre plants and trees — all this is Artek, an extraordinary country of children, where messengers from different countries and continents get to know each other, make friends and dream of the future. And also — hiking trips to the peaks of the Crimean mountains, competitions on boats in the children’s marine flotilla, competitions and relay races at stadiums, swimming pools and sports grounds, scientific projects and the most real ecological and archaeological research.

Keywords: Artek, children’s health resort, the sphere of children’s recreation and children’s health improvement, Artek’s anniversary, traditional values