ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №1/2024

Верин-Галицкий Д. В.
Семейная аксиоматика. Поговорим об уважении?

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Потребность в уважении со стороны взрослых и детей. Объективные законы жизни. Соблюдение иерархии в семейной системе как важное основание её стабильности и благополучия. Характеристика отношений по признаку «старший — младший». Родители в роли вожаков: уход от детоцентризма.

• семейная аксиоматика • уважение • достоинство • семейная иерархия • иерархичность отношений • экологичные отношения • токсичные отношения • объективные законы жизни • отношения по признаку «старший — младший» • родители как вожаки • знаки уважения

Family Axiomatics. Can We Talk About Respect?

Dmitry V. Verin-Galitsky, director of the autonomous non-profit organization for support and support of parents and children “Hand-in-Hand”, teacher of additional education at secondary school No. 32 in Khabarovsk, klub_argo@mail.ru

Abstract: Children’s respect for their parents is an important factor in preserving the family system, and it is formed as a response of children to the respect shown to them by their parents. This is the objective law of life. However, often the desire of parents to be treated with respect by their children is due only to the installation of “elders must be respected”, which very often does not work. This article is about the phenomenon of respect and the details of its formation.

Keywords: family axiomatics, respect, dignity, family hierarchy, hierarchy of relationships, ecofriendly relationships, toxic relationships, objective laws of life, senior-junior relationships, parents as leaders, signs of respect.