Издательство — Народное образование — Выпуск №8/2023
Хрыков В. П. Кто такой директор школы-хозяйства?
Миссия школы-хозяйства — в ином отношении к труду, человеку, к его потребностям и жизненным ориентирам. Качества директора и его роль в школе, совмещающей функции производства. • директор школы • кадры • подготовка кадров • школа директоров • школа-хозяйство Who Is The Director Of The School Of Economics? Vladimir P. Hrykov, Director of the Center for Strategic Development, Travel and Mentoring, teacher of Social Studies and geography of Bolsheorlovskaya Secondary School, Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Flax Union Foundation, graduate student of the Faculty of Forestry of Nizhny Novgorod State Agrotechnological University, Bor, centrsrpn@yandex.ru The mission of the school of economics is in a different attitude to work, to a person, to his needs and life orientations. The qualities of the director and his role in the school, combining the functions of production. Keywords: headmaster, personnel, training, school of directors, school-economy