ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Демакова И. Д., Денисова В. В., Сомова Е. А.
Территория тепла и любви

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Механизмы интеграции детей из разных социальных групп в единое сообщество. Формы, методы и приёмы использования педагогической концепции Януша Корчака в детском лагере «Наш Дом».

• интеграция здоровых детей и детей с ОВЗ • права ребёнка • гуманизация пространства детства

The Territory Of Warmth And Love

Irina D. Demakova, Professor of the Department of Psychological Anthropology at the Institute of Childhood of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Society Janusz Korczak, scientific director of the camp “Our House”

Varvara V. Denisova, member of the Board of the Russian Society Janusz Korczak, counselor of the camp “Our House”

Ekaterina A. Somova, a student of the Lyceum of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, an active participant in the camp “Our House”

Abstract: The article presents the experience of the International Integration Korchakov camp “Our House”, which has existed in Russia for 30 years. Its main feature is that children of different social groups live here under one roof: healthy children and children with disabilities, orphans and «home» children, children of different races, nationalities and faiths. The efforts of teachers and counselors are aimed at humanizing the childhood space of the camp participants. In this they are helped by the humanistic ideas of the outstanding Polish teacher Janusz Korczak, who tragically died in the Treblinka concentration camp together with his pupils in August 1942. The experience of the camp confirms the effectiveness of the use of Korchakov pedagogy in our time.

Keywords: integration of healthy children and children with disabilities, child rights, humanization of childhood space.