ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Гусев И. А.
Пятая четверть в современной госпитальной школе

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Организация жизнедеятельности детей, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации, детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, детей-инвалидов в период летних каникул. Основные направления деятельности в рамках пятой четверти в госпитальной школе.

• госпитальная школа • госпитальная педагогика • летние каникулы • пятая четверть

Fifth Quarter In A Modern Hospital School

Ivan A. Gusev, Deputy Director of the Moscow Education Center No. 109 for the specialized structural unit “UchimZnaem Hospital School”, Moscow, ivangusevuchimznaem@gmail.com

Abstract: The issues of participation in the organization of the life activities of children and adolescents during the summer holidays occupy an important place in the focus of attention of the state and education management bodies. In the context of current socio-political challenges, this is of particular importance. As a rule, the relevant methodological and other materials deal with the organization of recreation and recreation, including recommendations for children in difficult life situations, children with disabilities, children with disabilities. However, with the development in the Russian Federation of the Project of hospital schools “UchimZnaem”, an increase in the coverage of high-quality and full-fledged education of children undergoing long-term treatment in medical hospitals and at home, the issue of school participation in the organization of educational life and pedagogically meaningful eventfulness in the summer period is becoming more and more urgent for this group of students and pupils of preschool departments.

Keywords: hospital school, hospital pedagogy, summer holidays, fifth quarter.