ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Шульга И. И.
Каникулы в школе: новые возможности для образовательного отдыха учащихся

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Образовательный отдых как самостоятельное явление в сфере детского досуга и обособленный сегмент системы образования. Историческая идея преемственного развития педагогической организации каникул в школе.

• школьные каникулы • отдых и оздоровление школьников • образовательный отдых • коммунарское воспитание • клубная деятельность по интересам • педагогика поддержки • эдьютейнмент

School Holidays: New Opportunities For Educational Recreation Of Students

Irina I. Shulga, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Novosibirsk, shulga.61@mail.ru

Abstract: The article analyzes the content of school holidays as a new opportunity for the organization of educational recreation of schoolchildren. Educational recreation is considered as an independent phenomenon in the field of children’s leisure and a separate segment of the educational system. The historical idea of the continuous development of the pedagogical organization of holidays at school in various variants is discussed: as a restorative rest, entertainment, recovery after the school year; as a continuation of intellectual and cognitive activity in the most comfortable and familiar school environment with the possibility of using digital and intellectual resources of an educational organization.

Keywords: school holidays, recreation and health improvement of schoolchildren, educational recreation, communal education, club activities based on interests, pedagogy of support, edutainment.