ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Доценко И. Г.
Каникулы подростков: современные модели

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Современные модели образовательного отдыха подростков. Детский лагерь как уникальная среда для информального образования. Стационарный загородный лагерь и университетские смены.

• подростковые каникулы • организация отдыха и оздоровления детей • летний лагерь • лесные путешествия • университетские смены • организационный дизайн

Teen Vacations: Modern Models

Irina G. Dotsenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg, irdo@yandex.ru

Abstract: Modern models of vacation holidays are those that are in demand in the post-pandemic period. A new coronavirus infection, seemingly already over, entailed a reboot of management tasks. Firstly, it became clear that the prevention of viral diseases in a large child-adult team is a constant concern of managers. We are talking not only about spreading streams in the dining room and conducting medical diagnostics, but also about pedagogical technologies that allow organizing events in small, independent groups. Secondly, in two years of distance learning, a cell phone has become an integral part of life. How to include him in the life of the camp (or exclude him from it) without harm to health and without violation of autonomy — one of the characteristics of a temporary association? The article suggests models of educational recreation for teenagers that solve, among others, these tasks.

Keywords: teenage holidays, organization of recreation and health improvement of children, summer camp, forest trips, university shifts, organizational design.