ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Петрова С. Г.
Фестивали культур как ресурс развития детского лагеря

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Фестиваль в условиях детского лагеря, в межлагерном пространстве как важный ресурс воспитания, комплекс педагогических форматов, методов, приёмов, как социокультурная ценность и широкий потенциал для развития культуры детского лагеря.

• культура • детский лагерь • фестиваль • этнос • воспитывающее пространство • среда влияния • межкультурный диалог

Cultural Festivals As A Resource For The Development Of A Children’s Camp

Svetlana G. Petrova, General Director of the Pioneer Children’s Creative Center LLC, teacher of history and social studies at Lyceum No. 373 of the Moscow District of St. Petersburg, methodologist on “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” and “Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia” of the Information and Methodological Center of the Moscow District of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg

Abstract: Festivals are one of the most popular forms of cultural exchange in the world, presentations of creative achievements. The festival in the conditions of a children’s camp, in the inter—camp space is an important resource of education, a complex of pedagogical formats, methods, techniques, socio-cultural value, a wide potential for the development of the culture of the children’s camp as a whole and in relevant directions. For example, the interregional festival “Culture unites Us!” focuses on ethno-cultural dialogue, integration of cultures in the multinational space of Russia, on the values of respect for the unique cultural heritage of each nation and for the world cultural heritage, which is very important today for the sustainable development of the country and the world.

Keywords: culture, children’s camp, festival, ethnos, educational space, environment of influence, intercultural dialogue.