ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Камнев А. Н.
Экология, экологическое образование, детский лагерь и немного политики

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Новые тенденции экологизации в XXI в. Погружение детей в жизнь экосистем как педагогический инструмент деятельного экологического образования и воспитания.

• экологическое образование и воспитание • экологизация • экосистема • биоценоз • детский лагерь • деструктивное воздействие на молодёжь • анапские биоценозы

Ecology, Environmental Education, Children's Camp And A Bit Of Politics

Alexander N. Kamnev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Communication and Organization of Work with Youth, Faculty of Social Communication, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Visiting Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leading Researcher at the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, dr.kamnev@mail.ru

Abstract: The article talks about the importance of ecology and environmental education, defines the trends of ecologization, which is based on environmentalism, environmentalism, green policy. It is shown how many unfriendly media, using environmental information, carry out destructive effects on young people. As an alternative to this trend, the paper demonstrates the progress of positive greening in Russia. Ecosystems (biocenoses) are considered as the best ontological model of stability of any system. One of the unique places for the systematic implementation of environmental education activities is the Anapa City District. Without leaving the Anapa district, you can visit dozens of diverse ecosystems. Taking into account the fact that excursions and hikes in different biocenoses not only educate a teenager, but also make him less susceptible to negative propaganda, the immersion of children in the life of different ecosystems can serve as a powerful pedagogical tool for protecting our children.

Keywords: ecological education and upbringing, ecologization, ecosystem, biocenosis, children’s camp, destructive impact on youth, Anapa biocenoses.