ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Фаррахов А. А.
Ассоциация программных лагерей

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Особенности управления событийными пространствами в период кризиса на примере Ассоциации программных лагерей. Программный лагерь: определение, история развития, миссия, ценности и цели.

• лагерь • программный лагерь • дополнительное образование детей • Ассоциация программных лагерей

Association Of Program Camps

Aidar A. Farrakhov, General Director of ART Personality LLC, Saint Petersburg, Aidar_Farrakhov@mail.ru

Abstract: In the last 13–15 years, the definition of “program camp” has entered the professional speech of participants in the children’s recreation market. “These are non-governmental companies that implement their author’s programs on the territory of the DOLS of children’s health-improving stationary camps”. In this article, we will briefly touch upon the study of the features of managing event spaces during the crisis on the example of the Association of Program Camps. It should be noted that it was not possible to find materials in the scientific literature that reveal the significance of program camps and how they affect the sphere of children’s recreation and children’s health improvement. It is important to emphasize that this essay is not a scientific article, rather, it is an attempt to comprehend the concept of “program camp” and an opportunity to introduce the reader to private educational organizations.

Keywords: camp, program camp, additional education of children, Association of program camps.