ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2022

Ямбург Е. А.
Стратегия и тактика развития образовательного учреждения в основополагающих документах школы

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Гармонизация педагогических парадигм — стратегия развития школы. Характеристика различных видов парадигм: когнитивно-информационной, личностной, культурологической и компетентностной. Противоречия между парадигмами образования. Основные принципы и условия для гармонизации педагогических парадигм. Дифференциация обучения.

• парадигма • стратегия развития • гармонизация • когнитивноинформационная парадигма • личностная парадигма • культурологическая парадигма • компетентностная парадигма • дифференциация обучения

Strategy And Tactics Of Educational Institution Development In The Fundamental Documents Of The School

Eugene A. Yamburg, Director of Moscow School No. 109, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education

Abstract: The educational organization is independent in the development of local regulatory documents defining the key areas of development, taking into account the current needs of students and their parents, the current regulatory documents in the field of general education. We are convinced that the concept of development and the development program are necessary, because without them the basic educational program inevitably becomes eclectic, where strategic goals, promising lines of development and tactical tasks are mixed. Among the factors determining the development strategy of an educational organization, two multidirectional trends should be taken into account: the tendency to increase centralization in the management of the education system as a whole and the tendency to introduce state and public administration institutions into educational organizations. Harmonization of these tendencies, finding a reasonable balance between them is a serious managerial task.

Keywords: paradigm, development strategy, harmonization, cognitive-information paradigm, personality paradigm, cultural paradigm, competence paradigm, differentiation of learning.