ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2022

Киселёва Е. В.
Новосибирский лицей № 176: рабочая программа воспитания от Сибири до Артека

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Анализ содержания инвариантного модуля рабочей программы воспитания «Работа с родителями» и опыт его успешной реализации в лицее № 176 г. Новосибирска. Новые форматы взаимодействия семьи и лицея, отвечающие запросам современной практики воспитания. Задачи и направления, конкретные формы работы лицея с родителями.

• воспитание • рабочая программа воспитания • инвариантный модуль • работа с родителями • лицей

Novosibirsk Lyceum No. 176: the Upbringing Program from Siberia to Artek

Elena V. Kiseleva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the experience of effective joint work of the family and Lyceum No. 176 on the organization of the process of upbringing, while implementing the Upbringing program operating in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The content of the invariant module of the Upbringing program “Parent-Lyceum Relationship and Cooperation” and the experience of its successful implementation at Lyceum No 176 in Novosibirsk are analyzed. New formats of interaction between the family and the lyceum that meet the needs of modern parenting practice are considered. The tasks and directions, specific forms of cooperation of the lyceum with parents, meeting their interests and needs, developing parents as participants in the pedagogical process are presented and described.

Keywords: upbringing, upbringing program, invariant module, cooperation with parents, lyceum.