ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2022

Куприянов Б. В., Карпова Е. М.
Поездка в пионерский лагерь: историко-педагогическая реконструкция на основе современных воспоминаний о советском детстве

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Историко-педагогическая реконструкция поездки в пионерский лагерь как жизненного события советских детей второй половины ХХ века на материале современных воспоминаний. Теоретической базой выступил ряд исторических подходов, разработка в социологии проблемы социальной адаптации, концепция воспитательной организации. Анализ 139 информативных рассказов позволяет восстановить палитру переживаний отдыхавших детей.

• педагогическая антропология детства ХХ века • история внешкольного воспитания в СССР • летний лагерь • устная история

A Trip To The Pioneer Camp: Historical And Pedagogical Reconstruction Based On Modern Memories Of Soviet Childhood

Boris V. Kupriyanov, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow

Elena M. Karpova, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kostroma State University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Kostroma

Abstract. The historical and pedagogical reconstruction of the trip to the pioneer camp as a life event of Soviet children of the second half of the twentieth century on the material of modern memories is carried out. The theoretical basis was a number of historical approaches, the development in sociology of the problem of social adaptation, the concept of educational organization. Semi-structured narrative-oriented interviews were used as the main research method. The analysis of 139 informative stories allows us to restore the decisive role of parents in the purchase of vouchers, the intensity of trips to the pioneer camp of representatives of two post-war generations, the age of the debut trip, the palette of experiences of vacationing children.

Keywords: pedagogical anthropology of childhood of the twentieth century, history of extracurricular education in the USSR, summer camp, oral history