ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №1/2022

Лебединцев В. Б.
Фронтально-парное учебное занятие — новый вариант продуктивного сочетания общеклассной работы и деятельности учащихся в парах

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Проблемы традиционного построения фронтальных занятий. Фронтально-парные занятия как новый вариант организационной

структуры фронтальных занятий. Место фронтально-парных занятий в классно-урочной системе обучения и системе коллективного обучения по индивидуальным образовательным программам учащихся.

• групповое обучение • фронтальная (общеклассная) работа • учебная деятельность в парах • исходная проблема образовательной практики • образовательные технологии • фронтально-парное занятие • коллективные учебные занятия

Effective Combination Of Front-end Classroom Learning And Student Interaction In Pairs

Vladimir B. Lebedintsev, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Center for formation of a collective mode of education, Krasnoyarsk regional institute for advanced training and professional retraining of educators, Krasnoyarsk, lebedincev@kipk.ru, vb269@mail.ru

Abstract: The article raises the problems of the traditional construction of frontal classes, in particular, the unproductive combination of learning forms; frontal-pair classes are considered as a new variant of the organizational structure of frontal classes, overcoming some of their objective limitations due to a special combination of general and pair work; the technology of Krasnoyarsk didacts on the organization of front-pair classes is revealed: the requirements for the presentation of new material by the teacher, the rules for organizing educational interaction in pairs, tasks for pair work, providing feedback and correcting students’ knowledge and skills; the place of front-pair classes in the classroom-based learning system and the system of collective learning according to individual educational programs of students is determined.

Keywords: group training, front-line interaction with the classroom, training activities in pairs, initial problem of educational practice, educational technologies, combination of front-line interaction with the classroom and activities of students in pairs, collective training sessions