ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №6/2021

Минов В. А., Минова М. В., Лебединцев В. Б.
Шаг развития школьного обучения-воспитания

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Учебные занятия как основа концепции развития школьного воспитания. Неслиянность и нераздельность обучения-воспитания. Субъекты и предмет школьного воспитания. Жизнеспособность и самоопределение учительских коллективов. Противоречия Примерной программы воспитания. Идеологические целевые ориентиры. Стратегические ориентиры развития школьного обучения и воспитания.

• воспитание • обучение • стратегические ориентиры • индивидуальное и коллективное • учебно-воспитательные занятия • сельская школа • сельское сообщество • труд • учительский коллектив • система коллективного обучения и воспитания по индивидуальным программам

he Step Of Development Of Schooling And Upbringing

Vladimir A. Minov, Head of the Center for the Formation of a Collective Way of Learning, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, e-mail: minovskala@gmail.com

Margarita V. Minova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Center for the Formation of a Collective Way of Learning, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, e-mail: mvminova@gmail.com

Vladimir B. Lebedintsev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Center for the Formation of a Collective Way of Learning, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, e-mail: lebedincev@kipk.ru, vb269@mail.ru

Abstract: The key ideas of the concept of the development of school education: educational classes occupy the first place in school education, education and upbringing are separate and inseparable, the teaching staff (and not an autonomous teacher) is the main subject of education, the subject of education is actions, connections, relationships between people that arise within collectives. Types of individual and social relations: «build», loneliness among others, collective. The school plays a special role in educating rural communities and each person, ensuring their survival and well-being — it plays in the context of the concepts of «homeland», «fatherland», «labor». The viability and self-determination of teachers’ collectives, ideological and strategic guidelines for the activities of rural communities are indispensable conditions for the development of school education and upbringing.

Keywords: education, training, strategic guidelines, individual and collective, educational classes, rural school, rural community, labor, teaching staff, system of collective education and upbringing according to individual programs.