ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №6/2021

Лукьяненко В. П.
Методологический коллапс концепции преподавания учебного предмета «Физическая культура»

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Причины неудовлетворительного состояния процесса разработки Концепции преподавания учебного предмета «Физическая культура» в общеобразовательных учреждениях России. Анализ причин методологического характера. Понятийно-терминологическая проблематика. Предложения и рекомендации по разработке Концепции.

• физическая культура • концепция • модернизация • определение понятий • методологические основания • учебный предмет• учебный процесс •общее образование

Methodological Collapse Of The Concept Of Teaching The Subject “Physical Culture”

Viktor P. Lukyanenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports of the North Caucasus Federal University

Abstract: The article presents the results of the analysis of the causes of the unsatisfactory state of the process of developing the Concept of teaching the subject “Physical Culture” in general education institutions of Russia. The main attention is paid to the analysis of methodological reasons. It is shown that without proper attention to them, the development of an effective Concept cannot be carried out. The materials of the article allow us to better understand the specifics of the educational subject “Physical culture” in relation to pedagogical activity in the field of general education and to approach the definition of its essence and main purpose from a more grounded methodologically verified position, which should be reflected in the Concept of teaching this educational subject.

Keywords: physical culture, concept, modernization, definition of concepts, methodological foundations, educational subject, educational process, general education.