ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №6/2021

Кушнир А. М., Остапенко А. А., Гузеев В. В.
Как учить грамотному русскому письму детей-инофонов

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Последовательность формирования содержательной и технической (моторной) составляющих навыка грамотного письма. Факторы, обуславливающие особенности формирования формальной и функциональной грамоты инофонов, и принципы их выявления. Матрица многообразия особенностей формирования формальной и функциональной грамоты инофонов.

• обучение письму • неродной русский язык • дети-инофоны • навык грамотного письма • речевые навыки

How To Teach Literate Russian Writing To Foreign-Speaking Children

Alexey M. Kushnir , Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Andrey A. Ostapenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Kuban State University and Ekaterinodar Theological Seminary, Krasnodar

Vyacheslav V. Guzeev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Abstract: Alexey Mikhailovich Kushnir is known as the creator of a number of bright nature-like educational technologies for teaching reading, writing, and foreign languages. Being a philologist by basic education, he subtly felt the nuances of mastering a child’s speech skills. As a student of an outstanding psychologist, academician V.S. Mukhina, he brilliantly knew the laws of child psychology. A little-known page of his scientific work is the development of technologies for teaching the Russian language to foreign-speaking children. Russian Russian Research project «Development of methodological foundations and technological model of teaching writing in Russian to primary school children for whom Russian is not their native language» became a bright page of his scientific biography, although he became known to a large extent outside of Russia. The co-authors of this project were the permanent authors and employees of the magazines «Public Education» and «School Technologies» Professors Vyacheslav Valeryanovich Guzeev and Andrey Alexandrovich Ostapenko.

Keywords: teaching writing, non-native Russian, foreign-speaking children, the skill of literate writing, speech skills.