ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2021

Богуславский М. В., Меттини Э.
Творческое восприятие педагогами Италии воспитательной системы А.С. Макаренко

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Генезис исследований педагогического наследия А.С. Макаренко в Италии. Классификация педагогических направлений воспитательной системы А.С. Макаренко в трактовке известных итальянских учёных-педагогов. Влияние идейно-творческого наследия А.С. Макаренко на формирование педагогических концепций в Италии во второй половине XX в.

• А.С. Макаренко • аксиология воспитания • история отечественной педагогики • история итальянской педагогики • историко-педагогическая компаративистика

Creative Perception By Teachers Of Italy Of The Educational System Of A.S. Makarenko

Mikhail V. Boguslavsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Worker of Science and High Technologies of the Russian Federation, Head of the Laboratory of the History of Pedagogy and Education of the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, Vice President of the Russian Makarenko Association (RMA), Vice-President of the International Makarenko Association (IMS), e-mail: hist2001@mail.ru

Emiliano Mettini, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Humanities of the International Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the International Makarenko Association (MMA), e-mail: emiliano@inbox.ru

Abstract. The genesis of studies of the pedagogical heritage of A.S. Makarenko in Italy. Classification of pedagogical directions of the educational system of A.S. Makarenko in the interpretation of famous Italian scientists-teachers, characteristics of their main approaches. The influence of the ideological and creative heritage of A.S. Makarenko on the formation of pedagogical concepts in Italy in the second half of the XX century.

Keywords: A.S. Makarenko, axiology of education, history of Russian pedagogy, the history of Italian pedagogy, historical and pedagogical comparative studies.