ЖурналыНародное образованиеВыпуск №1/2021

Богуславский М. В., Занаев С. З.
Развитие М.Н. Скаткиным основ общего и политехнического образования

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Становление научной школы М.Н. Скаткина, вклад учёного, его учеников и последователей в развитие всеобщего политехнического образования, трудового обучения и воспитания подрастающих поколений. Научно-педагогическая, организационно-управленческая деятельность М.Н. Скатнина, создавшего свою разветвлённую научную школу, свою педагогику — впитавшую все лучшие идеи и практический педагогический опыт двадцатого столетия.

Ключевые слова: политехническое образование, становление научной школы М.Н.Скаткина, пути и средства обучения

Scientific And Pedagogical Activity Of M.N. Skatkin In The Second Half Of The Twentieth Century

M.V. Boguslavsky, Head of the Laboratory of History of Pedagogy and Education Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chairman of the Scientific Council on the History of Education and Pedagogical Science of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow, e-mail: hist2001@mail.ru

Sergey Z. Zanaev, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory of History of Pedagogy and Education, the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education», PhD in Education, e-mail: zanaev@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article highlights the scientific and pedagogical activities of M.N. Skatkin of the post-war period. The formation of his scientific school, the contribution of the scientist, his students and followers to the development of universal polytechnic education, labor training and education of the younger generations are shown. In many respects, the extensive scientific, pedagogical, organizational and managerial activities of this famous domestic scientist and teacher, who created his own branched scientific school, his pedagogy — which absorbed all the best ideas and practical pedagogical experience of the twentieth century and, therefore, his rich pedagogical heritage is the foundation for on the basis of which modern pedagogy can be successfully developed.

Keywords: polytechnic education, the formation of M. N. Skatkin’s scientific school, ways and means of teaching.