ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №5/2018

Ермилин А. И., Ермилина Е. В.
Цели и ценности учебно-исследовательской деятельности школьников

Материал в открытом доступе

Результаты изучения особенностей исследовательской деятельности учащихся. Выбор молодыми людьми профессии учёного. Условия успешности исследовательской деятельности школьников. Результаты исследовательской деятельности с позиции детей. Информатизация и техническое переоснащение жизни современного человека. Стремление подростков к общению с референтными взрослыми. Важность и актуальность воспитания научной и технической культуры подрастающего поколения.

• исследование • исследовательская деятельность школьников • учебно-исследовательская работа • дополнительное научное образование школьников

Purposes and values of educational And Research Activities Of Schoolchildren

A.I. Ermilin, Director of children's educational and health camp N.S. Talalushkina, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, e-mail: ermilin-aleksandr@mail.ru

E.V. Ermilina, Deputy Director for scientific-methodical and educational work children's educational and health camp N.S. Talalushkina, candidate of pedagogics

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of long-term study of features of students’ research activities and readiness for scientific activity, which was conducted at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the article the factors of young people’s choice of the profession of a scientist, purposes and motives of choosing research activities by students are considered. Signs and conditions of success of schoolchildren’s research activities are formulated. It is proved that the conditions of organization of educational and research work determine the types of activities mastered by schoolchildren and influence on the research culture of teenagers. In the article the results of research activity are considered from the position of schoolchildren. It is shown how informatization and technical re-equipment of modern life strengthen the desire of teenagers to seek and communicate with referential adults who have striking personal qualities and knowledge in the area of interest. The conclusion about the importance and relevance of upbringing of scientific and technical culture of the younger generation is made. Intellectual education in research activity is carried out on the basis of development of scientific interests and due to support of internal activity and independence of children. A special environment of scientific association is created thanks to the priority of the values of the community of adults and children. An example of enthusiasm for the scientific creativity of adults and finding friends by scientific interests are the most powerful educational factors of additional scientific education of schoolchildren.

Keywords: research, research activity of schoolchildren, educational and research work, additional scientific education of schoolchildren.