Издательство — Народное образование — Выпуск №1/2018 Управление временем — важный навык современного человека. Обучение учащихся планированию времени. Группы школьников, испытывающих различные трудности в планировании времени. Помощь в формировании навыка. рациональное использование времени; планирование деятельности; организация деятельности; личный план ученика How To Help The Student To Use Time Efficiently? E.L. Arshinskaya, senior lecturer of the Department of psychology of education and personal development Irkutsk state University, Irkutsk Abstract. In modern society, the ability to use time effectively becomes an important human re-source. For eleven years, the school can form, develop and improve these skills. The article presents the characteristics of students with different levels of selforganization, as well as the system of work on the formation of the skill of time management. Keywords: time management, planning activities, organizing activities, personal plan pupil for time management. | ||
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