ЖурналыИсследовательская работа школьниковВыпуск №1/2024

Ооржак Маадыр.
Игротехнологии в работе современного учителя

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Выполнил: Маадыр Ооржак, ученик 10-го класса, МБОУ «Восяховская СОШ «ОЦ», Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ

Научный руководитель: Октябрина Игоревна Берёзкина, преподаватель ФГБОУ ВО «Омский ГПУ»

Школьный куратор: Наталья Александровна Чупрова, учитель физики

Цель данной работы: изучить сущность игротехнологии, проследить применение игр в образовательном процессе и сделать выводы о расширении возможностей их использования.

Ключевые слова: игротехнологии, игропедагог, школьник, игры, физика

Game Technologies In The Work Of A Modern Teacher

Oorzhak Maadyr, 10th grade student MBOU “Vosyakhovskaya Secondary school “OTS”, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Scientific supervisor: Oktyabrina I. Berezkina, teacher of the Omsk State Pedagogical University

School curator: Natalya A. Chuprova, physics teache

Abstract. The purpose of this work is to study the essence of game technology, trace the application of games in the educational process and draw conclusions about expanding the possibilities of their use. Tasks to be solved: based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, define the concept of “game technology”, identify the main types of games, their characteristics and possibilities of application in the educational process; determine the potential of game technology in the study of school subjects using the example of physics; conduct a study that allows to fix the expediency and effectiveness of the use of games in the educational process of modern schools (teacher interviews, a survey of schoolchildren and teachers), to make a selection of games for the school physics course that solve various pedagogical problems. To solve the tasks set, the following methods were used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, interviews with a teacher, questionnaires of schoolchildren and teachers, design. The product of the research was an online resource with a collection and games that can be used in physics lessons for various educational purposes.

Keywords: game technology, game teacher, student, games, physics