ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №3/2023

Ямбург Е. А., Курикалова Н. М.
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Настоящая статья по материалам интервью с академиком Е. А. Ямбургом посвящена истории научно-практического центра «ДАР», ставшего прообразом современной госпитальной школы. В работе центра, созданного академиками Е. А. Ямбургом и А. Г. Румянцевым, были заложены основы междисциплинарного взаимодействия в целях обеспечения комплексного медико-психолого-педагогического сопровождения длительно болеющих детей.

Ключевые слова: медицина, госпитальная школа, длительно болеющие дети, доказательная педагогика, междисциплинарная команда, продуктивная модель.

Returning To The Origins…

Evgeny A. Yamburg, Director of the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School No 109”, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow

Natalia M. Kurikalova Candidate of Philological Sciences, State budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School No 109”, methodologist of the Project of hospital schools of Russia “UchimZnaem”, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Research in the field of Hospital Pedagogy of the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, k.nataliia.m@gmail.com

Abstract: This article, based on an interview with Academician E. A. Yamburg, is devoted to the history of the scientific and practical center “DAR”, which became the prototype of the modern hospital school. In the work of the center, created by academicians E. A. Yamburg and A. G. Rumyantsev, the foundations of interdisciplinary interaction were laid in order to provide comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical support for long-term ill children.

Keywords: medicine, hospital school, long-term ill children, evidence-based pedagogy, interdisciplinary team, productive model.