ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Коваль С. А.
Программно-методический ландшафт организации отдыха детей и их оздоровления

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Определение понятия «программно-методический ландшафт». Логическая взаимосвязь программы развития организации как стратегического документа, программы воспитания и программы организации смены, а также методического многообразия (требований, рекомендаций, разработок, материалов и др.).

• организация отдыха детей и их оздоровления • детский оздоровительный лагерь • программа развития организации • рабочая программа воспитания • Примерная программа воспитания • программа организации смены • структура программы

Program-methodical Landscape Of The Organization Of Children's Recreation And Their Recovery

Svetlana A. Koval, Senior Methodologist of the Department of Development of the Federal Center for Children’s and Youth Tourism, Local History and Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement of Children of the Federal Center for Additional Education and Organization of Recreation and Health Improvement of Children, Moscow

Abstract: The article describes the trinity of software for the organization of children’s recreation and their recovery through the introduction of the concept of “software and methodological landscape”. The main units of the program and methodological landscape of the organization of children’s recreation and their recovery are the organization’s development program, the work program of education and the program of the organization of the shift (season). The variety of methodological material (developments, collections, scenarios, etc.) complement the specifics of the organization’s activities.

Keywords: organization of children’s recreation and their health improvement, children’s health camp, organization development program, work program of education, Approximate program of education, shift organization program, program structure.