ИздательствоНародное образованиеВыпуск №2/2023

Ефимова Е. А.
«Жили в лагере мы как»: из истории первых пионерских лагерей Москвы (1922–1925 гг.)

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Организация летней работы с пионерами Москвы в начале 1920-х гг. «Индейщина»: основные характеристики, критика данного этапа развития лагерей юных пионеров.

• история Всесоюзной пионерской организации им. В. И. Ленина • история пионерских лагерей • история педагогики пионерской работы

“We Lived In The Camp As”: From The History Of The First Pioneer Camps In Moscow (1922–1925)

Elena A. Efimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior methodologist of the department “Museum of the History of the Children’s Movement” of the Department of Urban Programs of the state budgetary professional Educational institution of Moscow “Vorobyovy Gory”, Moscow, ea-efimova@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article attempts to consider some aspects of the organization of summer work with the pioneers of Moscow in the early 1920s. The pioneer periodical press, methodical and memoir literature, documents of the Central Archive of the city of Moscow were used.

Keywords: history of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin, history of pioneer camps, history of pedagogy of pioneer work.